The key to early detection is awareness that persons in certain circumstances have a high risk of undernutrition or overnutrition 早期发现的关键是要认识到,有些人是营养低下或营养过剩的高危人群。
Malnutrition includes undernutrition , in which nutrients are undersupplied , and overnutrition , in which nutrients are oversupplied 营养不良包括营养低下,即营养素供给不足,和营养过剩,即营养素供给过度。
Infancy and childhood : because of the high demand for energy and essential nutrients , infants and children are at particular risk of undernutrition 婴儿和儿童婴儿和儿童对能量和必需营养素的需要量高,其营养低下的危险性也高。
The risk of undernutrition is also greater at certain times in a person ' s life , ie , infancy , early childhood , adolescence , pregnancy and lactation , and old age 人一生中的某些阶段患营养低下的危险性也很高,如婴儿期、幼儿期、青少年期、妊娠哺乳期、以及老年期。
Undernutrition can result from inadequate intake ; malabsorption ; abnormal systemic loss of nutrients due to diarrhea , hemorrhage , renal failure , or excessive sweating ; infection ; or addiction to drugs 营养低下可由摄入不足、吸收不良、腹泻、出血、肾衰或过度出汗而至营养素丢失、感染和吸毒等引起。
Protein - energy malnutrition in children consuming inadequate amounts of protein , calories , and other nutrients is a particularly severe form of undernutrition that retards growth and development 儿童因蛋白质、热量和其他营养素摄入量不足造成的蛋白质-能量型营养不良是一种尤为严重的营养不良,它会延缓儿童的生长和发育。