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English translation for "undependable"

Example Sentences:
1.If another friend had proved himself undependable goldstein would nurse his pains .
2.You ' re as weak and undependable as your security
3.A great opportunity can be lost if haphazard efforts lead to undependable results
4.Yao is standing near the top edge of a cliff and the jvg drew this clear line here for him ? either be a trustworthy and dependable player or non - trustworthy and undependable
5.The players connect to an intermediate , " known " master server ip , which tells them of each other ' s existence . these servers are costly to run and their uptime is often undependable
6.Although massachusetts first attempted to mint coins of low bullion ( 注 9 ) content as early as 1652 , the colonies eventually turned to paper to increase their meager and undependable ( 注 10 ) money supply
7.The purpose of appraisal here is to assert the state - owned assets and the legal benefit of other owners , according to the rules of undependable , objective , integrity and scientifically
8.This provided a credible calculation tool for us to solve the parameters of thin films that we nearly know anything about , and avoid the error or undependable consequences because unsuitable initial values . at last , effects of random errors in transmission data on the accuracy of determination of the parameters of thin films were analyzed
9.It is pointed out that , at present , the unusual gas emission is the hardest hidden peril of accident to be cured ; the gas accidents occur easily in such coal mines that are in the phase of capital construction , technological transformation or undergoing structural reform ; hidden perils of gas exist on a wide scale in old mines or the mines being closed down soon ; they also gravely exist in the so - called " star mines " because of their undependable work ; and there are long - term hidden perils of gas accident in the mines in which grave accident frequently occurred , yet no lesson was drawn
10.Service unit network architecture ( suna ) is a kind of network architecture based on service unit . suna is different of hiberarchy , it is concise , extensible and can be easy to be realized . this paper states the virtual circuit architecture prototype host based on suna , expatiates on collectivity design , module patition , the function which all modules provide with and the services for user about prototype host based on suna . the prototype host provides user with two kinds of data flow service , one is dependable data flow service which uses predigested slip window mechanism to guarantee the dependence and sequence of data flow , the other is undependable data flow service . to transfer data in network must pass ui , network communication protocol and physics network . ui is the bridge between the user and network communication protocol
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