She thought of it with an ever-growing consciousness of cruelty, which tended to breed actions of reckless unconventionality . 她越往这一层捉摸,就越觉得命运残酷,因此她就有一种一意孤行、不随流俗的趋向。
General values and unconventionality of confucian morals 兼论孔孟道德学说的批评方法
1 readers love the unconventionality of the author ' s novels 读者们喜爱这位作家独树一格的小说风格。
As far as the feelings contained are concerned , her ci not only differed from that of other females , but also that of male writers in that her ci contains femininity and gentleness as well as grandness and unconventionality 就词情而言,这表现在她有“丈夫气” ,不同于一般女子,同时她又是女子,不同于普通士大夫男性作家,因而她的创作既有女性细腻温婉的一面,同时也有倜傥、慷慨的一面。
Teaching life is various life activities by teachers to accelerate life growth and improve life quality so as to realize life worthiness of themselves in specifical situation of space and tin teaching life has the unification characteristics such as aims and means , logos and geist , routine and unconventionality , homogeneity and heterogeneity 摘要教学生活是教师在特定的时空环境中,为了生命发展和完善,以及提升生命质量、实现生命价值与意义所进行的各种生命活动,具有为我性与我为性、理性与非理性、日常性与非日常性等特点。