One must be careful not to double - count the possibilities ; the same coal plant can be left unbuilt only once 我们必须谨慎小心,不要重复计算这些可能性;因为少建的燃煤发电厂,只能计算一次。
The two unbuilt piers ( including the one abutting wkcd ) shown on the original draft ozp were finger - type piers which would extend into the harbour and their construction would involve reclamation 该两个未有兴建的码头(其中一个位于西九龙文娱艺术区旁边)显示于原分区计划大纲草图,形如手指,向海港伸展,须填海兴建。
So much was closing in about the women who sat knitting , knitting , that they their very selves were closing in around a structure yet unbuilt , where they were to sit knitting , knitting , counting dropping heads 妇女们坐在那儿不断地编织着,许多东西都往她们积聚包围过来,使她们自己围到一个还没有建立起来的架子下面,坐在那儿不断地编织,记录要落下的人头。