When they were together, trudeau treated nixon without any hint of condescension and nixon accorded trudeau both respect and attention . 但是,当他们两人在一起时,特鲁多对尼克松一点没有屈尊俯就的样子,尼克松对特鲁多则是尊重而殷勤。
Aboriginal anger forced mr trudeau to climb down 原住民的愤怒迫使特鲁迪让步。
Perry s dad was an actor who starred in the old spice aftershave ad s , his mother was press secretary to canadian prime minister pierre trudeau 佩里的父亲也曾是一名演员,他出演过“古风”须后水的广告。佩里的母亲曾经是加拿大前总理皮埃尔?特鲁多的新闻秘书。
With his peculiar resolution and wisdom , trudeau , an outstanding prime minister of canada , vigorously guided the process of amending constitution and finally succeeded to bring constitution home to canada 联邦总理特鲁多认识到修宪谈判的重要性,以其特有的果敢、智慧和魅力,积极推动修宪活动并于1982年最终从英国收回了宪法,完成了加拿大完全独立的过程。