My first posting was in ltaly - - trieste 我第一次卧底是在义大利的里雅斯特
My first posting was in ltaly - trieste 我第一次卧底是在义大利的里雅斯特
Mestre hotel trieste venice italy - official site 威尼斯旅馆hotel trieste威尼斯旅馆-法定地址
And i seen a man killed in trieste by an italian chap “俺还在的里雅斯特瞅见一个人被意大利佬杀死了。
Completely renovated during restructuring work in 2002 , hotel trieste , among the 在2002年最近一次完全重新翻修时,在
I am only annoyed about a bankrupt of trieste . " really ? does it happen to be jacopo manfredi ? 我现在的麻烦是由的里雅斯特的一家银行倒闭引起来的。 ”
At the trieste opera s opening concert for that season . shortly after , he made his debut at la scala of milan with the role of narbal in 不久之后,他首次在米兰史卡拉歌剧院亮相,在普陀指挥下饰演《特洛伊人》的那巴尔。
Hotel trieste , in front of venice - mestre railway station , allows you to easily reach venice and other splendid cities in veneto such as padova and verona , while 特列斯特酒店hotel trieste位于威尼斯麦斯特火车站的前方,从这里您可以
On the 24th of february , 1810 , the look - out at notre - dame de la garde signalled the three - master , the pharaon from smyrna , trieste , and naples 一八一五年二月二十四日,在避风堰了望塔上的了望员向人们发出了信号,告之三桅帆船法老号到了。
" here is my passport ; examine the visa - geneva , milan , venice , trieste , delvino , yanina . will you believe the government of a republic , a kingdom , and an empire ? “这是我的护照,检查一下上面的签署吧,日内瓦米兰威尼斯的里雅斯特德尔维纳和亚尼纳。