I would argue that leslie marmon silko standing on the ground of indigenism is actually oscillating between the ideals of tribalism and cosmopolitanism 文中认为席尔柯站在原民立场,游移于本土部族主义与原民世界主义理想之间。
The major ethnic problems of the five central asian countries are the contradictions and conflicts between principal ethnic groups , the contradictions between principal ethnic groups and the russians , the rights and interests concerning the non - principal ethnic groups , the tribalism and sectionalism , the migration problems , the problems of pan - turkism and pan - islamism and the collaboration of " three vicious powers " i . e . national splittism , religious extremism and terrorism 中亚五国的民族问题主要有:主体民族之间的矛盾与冲突;主体民族与俄罗斯人之间的矛盾;少数民族的权益问题;部族主义问题和地方主义问题;移民问题;中亚泛突厥主义、泛伊斯兰主义问题;中亚“三股势力”的合流。