The hunan tiger and tragopan are on the brink of extinction , and elaphodus caphalophus and river deer are rare animals unique to jinggangshan 井冈山的游览胜地则有茨坪、龙潭、黄洋界、笔架山、五指峰、石燕洞等。
The mountains are covered with virgin secondary forests , dove trees , ginkgoes , metasequoias , and other rare trees and flowers . rhesus monkeys , civets , tragopans , golden pheasants , and other rare animals and birds are active in the forests 这里拥有成片的原始次生林,珙桐银杏水杉虾花等奇花异卉漫山遍野,还有猕猴灵猫角雉锦鸡等珍禽异兽出没其间