| 1. | Evaluation of positron emission tomography in spinal surgery 在脊柱外科中的应用 |
| 2. | Role of computed tomography in diagnosis of pneumoconiosis 在尘肺病诊断中的应用 |
| 3. | Two - phase flow electrical capacitance tomography system 两相流电容层析成像系统 |
| 4. | Virtual computed tomography gastroscopy : clinical application 胃镜的临床应用研究 |
| 5. | Computer tomography in non - destructive testing for logs 在原木无损检测中的应用 |
| 6. | The tomography system based on condenser sensor 基于电容传感器的断层成象系统 |
| 7. | Cat cardiovascular analog trainer computer - assisted tomography 心血管病人模拟练习器 |
| 8. | Standard guide for x - ray compton scatter tomography X射线康普顿散射断层摄影的标准指南 |
| 9. | " for the development of computer assisted tomography 开发计算机辅助的x射线断层扫描仪 |
| 10. | Phantoms for x - ray computed tomography X射线计算机计算的断层摄影法用模型 |