| 1. | He was named one of lord tokugawa ' s advance guard . . 他服役于德川将军的前锋部队 |
| 2. | He was named one of lord tokugawa ' s advance guard 他服役于德川将军的前锋部队 |
| 3. | Anyone who opposes me , tokugawa ortoyotomi 任何反对我的,无论是德川还是丰臣 |
| 4. | As i see it , the tokugawa shogunate is dead 正如我们所看到的德川幕府时代已经结束了 |
| 5. | Early tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought 早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。 |
| 6. | . . . as i see it , the tokugawa shogunate is dead 正如我们所看到的德川幕府时代已经结束了 |
| 7. | The most dangerous enemy ofthe tokugawa shogunate 德川幕府最危险的敌人 |
| 8. | Now it ' ll be the tokugawa who suffer the agony and torment 现在,是德川政府偿还的时候了 |
| 9. | This enshrines tokugawa iemitsu and is affiliated with rinno temple 德川家光的灵庙,归属轮王寺。 |
| 10. | A tokugawa spywants to hire a ninja 德川幕府想雇一个武士 |