He said that there were many toilers in the german divisions who fought under orders . 他说在德国各师部队中也有许多奉命作战的劳动者。
I replied that i was not against the toilers in germany, but only against the leaders and against dangerous combinations . 我答复说,我不反对德国的劳动者,而只是反对它的领袖们和具有危险性的同盟。
Says the soul of the toiler to itself , " i shall soon be free 那些辛劳一天的人们在对自己说: “总算可以歇口气了。
This simple toiler , caught between two forces , held the destiny of his country in his hands 受到两大势力争夺的纯朴农民,手中掌握着中国的命运。
Thus was carrie s name bandied about in the most frivolous and gay of places , and that also when the little toiler was bemoaning her narrow lot , which was almost inseparable from the early stages of this , her unfolding fate 与此同时,这小女工正在悲叹自己苦命。在她正在展开的人生初期,这种悲叹将几乎如影附身地伴随着她。
And careworn hearts were there and toilers for their daily bread and many who had erred and wandered , their eyes wet with contrition but for all that bright with hope for the reverend father hughes had told them what the great saint bernard said in his famous prayer of mary , the most pious virgin s intercessory power that it was not recorded in any age that those who implored her powerful protection were ever abandoned by her 那些饱经忧患的心灵,为每天的面包操劳的,众多误入歧途,到处流浪的。他们的眼睛被悔恨之泪打湿,却又放出希望的光辉,因为可敬的休神父曾经把伟大的圣伯尔纳在他那篇歌颂玛利亚的著名祷文39中所说的话告诉过他们:任何时代也不曾记载过,那些恳求最虔诚的童贞玛利亚为之祈祷有力地保护他们的人,曾被她所遗弃。