The houses had little gardens around them , but they didn t seem to raise hardly anything in them but jimpson - weeds , and sunflowers , and ash piles , and old curled - up boots and shoes , and pieces of bottles , and rags , and played - out tinware 屋子四周都有小园子,不过上面仿佛没有栽什么东西,所以杂草丛生,只长些向日葵。此外便是灰堆,破旧的鞋靴,破瓶子,破布头和用旧了的白铁器具。
The three actors still had on the costumes they had been wearing in the second act , and while prulliere took off his alpine admiral s cocked hat , the huge plume of which would have knocked the ceiling , bosc , in his purple cloak and tinware crown , steadied himself on his tipsy old legs and greeted the prince as became a monarch receiving the son of a powerful neighbor 三个男演员还穿着第二幕的服装。普律利埃尔脱下了瑞士海军上将的帽子,如果不脱下帽子,帽顶上的大长翎毛会被天花板触断。博斯克身着紫红色外套,头戴白铁皮王冠,他那两条醉汉的腿好不容易才站稳,接着向王子施了礼,俨然是一位君主在接待一个强大邻国的王子。