They ' ve sent in men from timbuktu explaining all the details 他们派人从津巴布韦来解释详细资料
I ' m just glad to find you here . - where would i be ? timbuktu -我只是很高兴见到你在这儿-我会在哪?非洲沙漠
Steven , in the middle of timbuktu , hearing this incredible story says to the man , " my father was one of those missionaries , " then began to weep 史提芬,身在田布都,听见这故事后,说: "家父是其中一个宣教士。
Founded about a . d . 1 , 100 , timbuktu was a flourishing caravan center in the arabic world and a leading spiritual and intellectual center in the 15th and 16th centuries , with one of the world ' s first universities 廷巴克图城建于公元1100年,曾是阿拉伯世界的一个繁荣的商队中心, 15与16世纪,这里还是一个重要的精神与知识中心,拥有世界上最早的大学之一。
Timbuktu , mali : two of west africa ' s oldest mosques , the djingareyber , or great mosque , and the sankore mosque built during the 14th and early 15th centuries can still be seen here in the northern sahara desert 廷巴克图城(马里) :位于撒哈拉沙漠北部,在这里,至今还能够看到建于14世纪与15世纪早期的两座西非最古老的清真寺:德真亚瑞柏清真寺或称大清真寺,以及尚克尔清真寺。
My mom literally has to drive or be driven approximately 600 miles every week to san francisco and back so i wanted her to have the most reliable car possible , especially after she got stranded the middle of timbuktu due to a fatal transmission problem with her aging mercury villager 我妈妈每周都要驾车大约600英里往返旧金山,因而我希望这车的可靠性应尽可能高,以免在这条交通问题较严重的路上发生问题。
But instead of being called travelers , they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the amazon , cruising to alas - ka , flying from timbuktu to easter island , and taking pictures of norwegian churches and pakistani costumes 但是人们不把他们称为旅行者,而是称为游客,世界各地都有他们的踪迹:有的沿亚马孙河顺流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的从了伯克都飞往伊斯特岛,还有的去拍摄挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服饰。
Being in the middle of the sahara desert the only quick way in or out seemed to be catching a ride on a small , single - engine bush plane being operated by unicef . unicef agreed to give steven a ride to timbuktu as they were in - route to retrieve two doctors who d been there for quite some time working with the local population of roughly 10 , 000 people . they also explained that they would not have room for steven on the return flight , as his seat would be occupied by one of the doctors 他经常旅行,我想因为他流著旅行者的血,他父亲也是到处游历,是个探险家,因此他大概有这样的基因他到处旅行,他很渴望到田布都去,他听说非州有个地方叫田布都,惟一方法就是坐联合国儿童基金会的飞机前往,飞机会去接几位医生,他们在那里宣教,这小小的社区人口约一万,于是他打算来回都坐那飞机。
As a missionary his father traveled extensively , and thus steven grew to love the adventure that traveling brought . well , one of the places he d always wanted to travel to was a place called timbuktu . steven , like most of us , had heard the name used in conversation form time to time , but he was shocked when he discovered that there really was a place called timbuktu in africa 忍耐是一回事,但要坐在那儿等候,知道种植树木需时,没甚么方法能叫它快快生长,坚持是另一回事,坚持是殷勤作一件事,并努力使它成就,让我读出林卡尔的另一句引言,是邱吉尔所说的:
So here steven is , walking the community of timbuktu , when he realized that westerners were not very welcome . the stares were cold , and the body language of the villagers told steven that it was in his best interest to find refuge , and find it fast . he wasn t quite sure what to do when he remembered reading about an old church that some missionaries , years before , had established 于是他跳上飞机,即使可能回不来,他跳上飞机出发了,他降落于正如他所描述神所遗忘的地方,甚么都没有,只一片荒凉,只一片颓坦败瓦和贫困的人民,他来到田布都了,在?内到处走走他发现美国人在这儿不大受欢迎,不但如此,西方人在这儿也不受欢迎,他两者都有份,他来到?集,那里有数百人,忽然那些孩子开始走近他,越走越近,使他非常不安,他不知该怎么办。