| 1. | For intensiv 8 courses geared towards general needs , see 为备考testdaf设置的强化班 |
| 2. | Examination preparation dsh testdaf 大学入学语言预备培训dsh testdaf 。 |
| 3. | Special preparatory course for the testdaf test Testdaf考试预备班 |
| 4. | Intensive summer courses Testdaf试的课程 |
| 5. | The testdaf - institut in hagen is responsible for preparing and implementing the testdaf examination 负责主持考试和出试题的机构是设于 |
| 6. | Now you can prove the necessary language competence by passing the testdaf examination 的考试,及格的话,也就是证明你已经拥有了必须具备的语言能力了! |
| 7. | Ja . chinesische studierende , die in deutschland studieren wollen , koennen jetzt in china den testdaf ablegen 听说啦。想到德国去学习的中国大学生现在可以在国内进行德福考试了。 |
| 8. | B : ja . chinesische studierende , die in deutschland studieren wollen , koennen jetzt in china den testdaf ablegen 听说啦。想到德国去学习的中国大学生现在可以在国内进行德福考试了。 |
| 9. | Offers four - week prepartory courses for university studies . the course comprises 85 teaching units and the testdaf exam 举办为期4周85学时的大学入学语言预备班,培训班包括德福考试在内。 |
| 10. | Prepares students for the testdaf dsh examinations to enter a german university as well as offering homestay programmes -有院系的介绍,提供德语培训学习,德语各类资格等级考试,内有交流论坛。 |