If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives , take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait 如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。
Owing to the complicated technics and high cost of manufacture , limno2 can not satisfy the applications . the cycle stability is very poor , which is a result of the jahn - teller distortion effect causing by tervalent manganese ion . thus , exploiting the feasible technics of preparation and seeking the method to enhance the cycle stability of layered lithium manganese oxide are the targets of many research groups 由于生产工艺复杂、成本高,也由于mn3 +强烈的jahn - teller效应,通常使层状limno2循环稳定性变差而无法满足实际应用的需要,因此研究适宜的制备工艺,寻求提高limno2循环稳定性的方法成为许多科研人员的奋斗目标。