| 1. | Tempests are terrible in this country . 在这些地方,雷雨是十分可怕的。 |
| 2. | Her anger was unreasonable, a tempest in a teapot . 她的生气是没有道理的,是无理取闹。 |
| 3. | The wind grew to a tempest . 风势加剧成了风暴。 |
| 4. | No tempest is capable of shattering his firm determination . 任何惊涛骇浪都不能动摇他坚如磐石的决心。 |
| 5. | "get outyou!" roared annixter in a tempest of wrath . “你给我滚!”安尼克斯特勃然大怒,一声吆喝。 |
| 6. | The furious tempest drove over and round us, flinging the boat this way and that . 汹涌的波涛在我们的四周回漩,把船掷来掷去。 |
| 7. | At night the tempest increased in violence 暴风雨随着黑夜的降临更加猖狂起来。 |
| 8. | A tempest had put paid to their efforts 一场暴风雨使我们的努力化为乌有。 |