Then a kind of a tallowy kind of a cheesy 然后变成像是牛脂一般的干酪状的东西。
He was a pale , tallowy creature , wanting two fingers of the left hand ; and , though he wore a cutlass , he did not look much like a fighter 他是个面色苍白脂肪过多的家伙,左手少了两个手指。虽然他也带着把水手用的短刀,看上去却不像个好斗的人。
Once i stepped out myself into the road , but he immediately called me back , and , as i did no obey quick enough for his fancy , a most horrible change came over his tallowy face , and he ordered me in , with an oath that made me jump 一旦我向外面走出一步,他就立刻召唤我回来。要是我的动作比他要求的慢了一拍的话,他的脂肪过多的脸就变得特别可怕起来,他用足以让我跳起来的咒骂命令我进来。