Nerve gases are clear and colorless , and they can be odorless or have a slight , sweetish smell 神经毒气透明无色,可以是无气味的也可以是稍带甜味的。
This is why , up to the 18th century some native tribes ate only the sweetish flesh of the cocoa fruit 这就是为什么直到18世纪,一些部落还只是吃带甜味的鲜可可果。
I recall the scent of some kind of toilet powder ? i believe she stole it from her mother ' s spanish maid ? a sweetish , lowly , musky perfume 我还能回忆起那种爽身粉的味道,估计是她从她母亲的西班牙女仆那里偷来的。
Smells of men . his gorge rose . spaton sawdust , sweetish warmish cigarette smoke , reek of plug , spilt beer , men s beery piss , the stale of ferment 啐上了唾沫的锯屑,甜丝丝温吞吞的纸烟气味,嚼烟的恶臭,洒掉的啤酒,啤酒般的人尿味,发霉的酵母气味。
Tasting note : a light straw colour brilliant , with persistent foam , pleasant and characteristically fruity odor and a dry , sweetish flavor that is full - bodied , pleasantly fruity and characteristic 品尝特征:浅稻草黄色且带有亮丽而持续不断的气泡,清爽宜人,独特的鲜果芬芳,酒体醇厚而饱满回味绵长。
Luxury blend luxury blend is a smooth and exquisite blend of 3 different virginias , sweetish black caverdish , fragrant burley and a fabulous aroma of orange and honey , with an added touch of the all time favourite vanilla flavour 奢华响宴由三种不同的弗吉尼亚烟叶、微甜的黑板烟、以及宜人的白肋叶拼配,和合柳橙、蜂蜜精华,并以永不过时的香草味作为最后点缀,精心配伍而成。