Stolypin , stammering , took up the conversation and began talking of the abuses of the old order of things , with a warmth that threatened to give the conversation a serious turn 斯托雷平结结巴巴地插话,开始急躁地谈到昔时的理所当然的舞弊行为,威吓对话人要赋予谈话以严肃认真的性质。
Just as prince andrey walked into the room , magnitskys words were again drowned in laughter . stolypin gave vent to a bass guffaw as he munched a piece of bread and cheese 斯托雷平一面用低沉的嗓音哈哈大笑,一面咀嚼着一块带有干酪的面包热尔韦低声地吃吃地笑,斯佩兰斯基发出清晰而含蓄的笑声。