| 1. | He ' s too spineless to ask for more money 他没有勇气要求更多的钱。 |
| 2. | You spineless cretins ! - crowd gasps 你们这些没用的白痴 |
| 3. | How long will i endure the insincere prayers of your spineless subjects 我究竟还要忍耐多久你这种虚情假意的祷告? |
| 4. | - you spineless cretins ! - 你们这些没用的白痴 |
| 5. | My supervisor is a spineless person . he never stands behind his decisions 我的主管是一个没骨气的人。他不敢为他做的决定负责。 |
| 6. | The man ' s spineless . how far do we intend to follow this traitor away from battle 那人是个软骨头。我们还要跟着这个叛徒逃多远? |
| 7. | He was really angry at his boss but was afraid to tell him . sometimes he ’ s so spineless 他对老板很恼火,但又不敢对他直说。有时他太懦弱了。 |
| 8. | It is hard to imagine that a person does not have a spine , but spiritually some people are indeed spineless 人没有脊骨是不可想象的,不过精神上有些人确实没有脊骨。 |
| 9. | A nation without men , with only pleasure - saturated , spineless screen - watchers is a truly frightening prospect 如果一个民族没有了男人,只剩下一些贪图快乐、没有骨气的屏幕观众,那么这该是多么可怕的前景。 |
| 10. | " you ' re all wrong , " said , the fourth . " lawyers are easiest . they ' re heartless , spineless , gutless and their heads and asset are interchangeable . “你们都错了” .第四个说. “律师是最容易的.他们没心,没肠,没骨头,而且他们的脑子用钱就能换掉. ” |