I ' m going on a one - day excursion to naples , sorrento and the picturesque island of capri 我将参加一个一天的旅游团,游览那不勒斯,苏连托和风景如画的卡普里岛
It would add greatly to the effect if the countess would join us in the costume of a peasant from puzzoli or sorrento 要是伯爵夫人肯参加,让她打扮成一个波若里或索伦来的农妇,那就更带劲了。
In the afternoon we travel on to sorrento , a peaceful town with lemon groves , beautiful beach and plentiful cafe 漫步在这座古城的街道,有如置身过去,从一砖一瓦亲身体验和认识贝的荣耀与文明。