Nobby solano has warned newcastle they need to go on a five - game winning streak to turn around their season 诺比.索拉诺已经警告纽卡说他们需要5连胜来扭转他们的联赛状况。
Solano , in his second spell at st james ' park , said : " it has been frustrating not playing from the beginning when i signed in august 第二次效力纽卡的索拉诺说: “我没有从8月和纽卡签约的时候就开始参加比赛让我感到沮丧。
The only transfer allardyce would rather not have done was to allow nolberto solano to join west ham to be nearer his family 阿勒代斯操作的唯一不甚情愿的转会是允许诺尔贝托索拉诺离开纽卡斯尔加盟西汉姆? ?那里离索拉诺的家更近一些。
One stumbling block behind a move could be funds with the magpies splashing out on michael owen and nolberto solano before the transfer window closed 他的这个梦想还有另1个问题,那就是资金。在之前喜鹊已在欧文和索拉诺身上挥霍了不少。
Lima , june 12 ( reuters ) - newcastle united midfielder nolberto solano has been left out of peru ' s provisional squad for the copa america while striker claudio pizarro was recalled 利马12日讯,纽卡斯尔联中场索拉诺将不被受招入选正为美洲杯而集训的秘鲁国家队,而前锋皮萨罗却被重招。