n. 浸渍物;【化学】浸渍剂;(石油)裂化反应室;〔俚语〕酒鬼;〔口语〕倾盆大雨;〔pl.〕婴儿用的尿布垫。
Example Sentences:
Soaker bottle washer 浸泡洗瓶机
A murmur of approval arose from all and some were for ejecting the low soaker without more ado , a design which would have been effected nor would he have received more than his bare deserts had he not abridged his transgression by affirming with a horrid imprecation for he swore a round hand that he was as good a son of the true fold as ever drew breath 举座发出一片赞同之低语声,有人扬言应立即将该下流醉汉逐之门外。此计划几近付诸实践,将给彼以应有之惩罚。然而彼可鄙地赌咒发誓而且发得八面玲珑,谓彼乃天下最善良之人子也,从而减轻其罪责。