| 1. | Grey water enters a soakaway via a grease trap 废水通过油脂分离器后汇入渗水坑。 |
| 2. | Soakaway well and tubular well adopted together for dropping the water level of deep foundation pit 引渗井与管井联合降水在深基坑降水中的应用 |
| 3. | Some of the domestic sewage from villages in the new territories is treated by private treatment facilities such as septic tanks and soakaway systems , rather than by sewage treatment plants via communal sewer 新界乡村的住宅污水有部分由化粪池和渗滤系统等私人污水处理设施处理,而并非经公用污水渠通往污水处理厂处理。 |
| 4. | The department has also made available another set of guidance notes in respect of the design of appropriate septic tanks and soakaway systems , for reference by works agents responsible for the design and installation of such facilities 此外,环保署另备有一套化粪池及渗滤系统的设计指引,供负责设计及安装工程的人士参考。 |
| 5. | Domestic sewages of the unsewered villages in the new territories are normally treated by septic tank and soakaway systems before discharge . hence , in most areas , no land has been " frozen " in whatever form 在新界尚未敷设有公用污水渠系统的乡郊村落,其住宅污水一般由化粪池及渗滤系统处理及排放,所以在大部分地区都不会构成任何形式的土地冻结。 |
| 6. | Of the remaining 845 villages , we have prepared initial sewerage plans for 535 villages . domestic sewage from the unsewered villages in the new territories should first be treated by private sewage treatment facilities such as septic tanks and soakaway systems before disposal 在尚未敷设有公用污水渠系统的新界乡郊村落,村内的住宅污水应先由私人污水处理设施例如化粪池及渗滤系统处理后始作排放。 |
| 7. | However , the septic tanks and soakaway systems of some villages such as lam tsuen in tai po which are located within water gathering grounds are incapable of removing all pollutants from the sewage . to safeguard the potable water resource and to protect public health , the epd and the water supplies department have set more stringent water quality standards for the water gathering grounds . in addition , development projects in these areas are subject to tighter control in order to protect the potable water resource from any adverse effect from sewage 但由于某些村落,例如大埔林村位处于食用水集水区内,而现时一般的化粪池及渗水系统又未能完全去除污水中所有的污染物,故环保署与水务署在保障食水安全及市民健康的大前提下,为各食用水集水区制定了较严谨的水质标准以保障集水区的水质,并通过谨慎处理区内的各个发展项目,以防止污水的排放对附近水源产生不良的影响。 |
| 8. | The government is making plans to upgrade the sewerage network and the treatment works in silver mine bay . in addition , the epd has been continuing its role of monitoring and controlling the effectiveness of septic tanks and soakaway pits , making sure that residents know their responsibilities when it comes to maintaining efficient working sewage systems and repairing leakages 政府现已手计划提升银矿湾的污水收集网络及污水处理设施,环保署则一直紧密监控化粪池和渗水井的运作情况,并促使居民履行自身的责任,维持污水处理系统有效地运作,防止泳滩污染。 |
| 9. | In view of the environmental problems that may be caused by the overflow of sewage from private treatment facilities ( such as septic tanks and soakaway systems ) of village houses in the new territories , epd conducted over 670 special inspections in 2002 . during the inspections , epd staff examined carefully the operations and maintenance of these treatment facilities . depending on the results , they would give verbal guidance or advice to the owners , request them to rectify the irregularities or , where necessary , replace the entire facilities 针对新界乡郊村屋的化粪池及渗滤系统等私人污水处理设施可能会溢出污水污染环境的情况,环保署于2002年共进行了超过670次的特别巡查,详细检查这些设施的运作及保养,按检查的结果向户主发出口头指引、劝喻,或要求户主作出改善。 |