I don ' t think china ever gets slouchy or droopy , even if they ' re getting hammered 我觉得中国队从来都不放弃,即使形势很糟糕!
A slouchy figure crossed the opposite corner and glanced furtively in his direction 一个无精打采的人走过对面的拐角,偷偷地朝他这个方向看着。
They were a fair type of nearly the lowest order of shop - girls - careless , slouchy , and more or less pale from confinement 她们属于接近最下层的女工阶层-满不在乎,不修边幅,因为整天关在车间里脸色有点苍白。
Being a levelheaded individual who could give points to not a few in point of shrewd observation , he also remarked on his very dilapidated hat and slouchy wearing apparel generally , testifying to a chronic impecuniosity 布卢姆先生是个头脑冷静的人,观察敏锐,轻易不落人后。从破旧的帽子和浑身上下的衣着邋遢,他看穿了那是个患慢性缺钱症的人。