| 1. | The language , the speech and signifier : from saussure to lacan 从索绪尔到拉康 |
| 2. | From signified signifier to signifier signified 论拉康对索绪尔二元论的批判 |
| 3. | Material goods are considered the only signifiers of success in a society 物质变成社会里的唯一成功指针。 |
| 4. | On lacan ' s theory of signifier 论拉康的能指理论 |
| 5. | Signifier and sign 施指与符号 |
| 6. | In other words , they all have concerned the relation of language and meaning , signifier and significance 双方对此理解与表述的角度均不尽相同。 |
| 7. | This is why it is untrue to say that the signifier in the unconscious is open to all meanings 这就是为什麽,说处于潜意义位置的符号开放给所有意义,是不正确的。 |
| 8. | For lacan , the symbolic context of a word is determined by other signifiers or words to which it is attached 对于拉岗,一个字词的象徵内涵总须与其他符号贯联来决定。 |
| 9. | Motivations in language indicate various relationships between the signifier and the signified , or those among signifiers 语言理据是辨识或诠释语言符号意义的依据,它反映能指与所指之间的各种联系。 |
| 10. | The relationship between the signifier and the signified has long arouse great controversy and disagreement among language philosophers and linguists 摘要语言符号系统中的能指与所指之间的关系一直是一个具有争议性的话题。 |