| 1. | France was to turn her back on shipboard aviation for another ten years . 在法国,舰上飞行整整被推迟了十年。 |
| 2. | On shipboard applications, where v is low, the error is small . 在船舶上应用时,其V(速度)比较低,误差也比较小。 |
| 3. | Returning to developments in the united states, mention must be made of the progress in shipboard catapults . 当回头追述美国取得的进展时,必须提及舰用弹射器的进步。 |
| 4. | Between the macphacts and the davidsons, who were missionaries, there had arisen the intimacy of shipboard . 在麦克法茨一家和海外传教士戴维森一家之间,产生了一种同舟共济的情谊。 |
| 5. | Though the details of seamanship might confuse the reader, shipboard life was in other respects sharply defined . 虽然航海技术的细节会使读者如堕云雾,但是船上生活的其它方面却写得头头是道。 |
| 6. | General specification for annoucing equipment on shipboard 舰船扩声设备通用规范 |
| 7. | Shipboard multicore cable for control circuits 控制线路用多芯用电缆船用控制电缆 |
| 8. | Guide for shipboard generated waste management audits 船舶产生废物管理审核指南 |
| 9. | Shipboard cables with symmetrical conductors - general 船用对称式通信电缆一船规定 |
| 10. | General specification for shipboard broadcasting system 船用广播系统通用技术条件 |