This city town retires the soldier seeks a profession oneself the standard of one - time economy allowance , retire from army compulsory arms is 30 thousand yuan , retired sergeancy is 40 thousand yuan , sergeancy of be transferred to civilian work is 50 thousand yuan 本市城镇退役士兵自谋职业一次性经济补助的标准,退伍义务兵为3万元,复员士官为4万元,转业士官为5万元。
Its transfer line of business , retired sergeancy comes from january 1993 the account of individual endowment insurance before retiring stores the forehead , the relevant document of the labor that press city and social security bureau ( course of study of shanghai labor insurance is sent [ 1998 ] 47 date ) regulation , by the society insurance plans as a whole fund gives plan into 其中转业、复员士官自1993年1月至退役前的个人养老保险帐户储存额,按市劳动和社会保障局的有关文件(沪劳保业一发[ 1998 ] 47号)规定,由社会保险统筹基金予以计入。