110 helpful tips septuagenarian discusses his health secrets 老年人谈养生保健
Yet , despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country ' s politics , mr chirac ' s is not the only france 然而,尽管这位七十岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。
Though matei , played by tim roth , retains a septuagenarian ' s memories and experiences , his body , restored to 30 - year - old form , is mysteriously immune to the effects of time 提姆罗斯饰演的马泰,虽保有七旬老翁的记忆与经验,身体却回到30岁的状态,谜一般的不受岁月摧残。
Participants came from a wide variety of backgrounds , including academics , writers , teachers , librarians etc , and were of all ages from teenagers right up to septuagenarians , but all shared a common love of all things potter 参与者来自各个领域,包括了大学生,作家,老师,图书馆员等等,而且包含了所有年纪,从青少年到七十多岁的人,但是所有的人都有共同的喜好所有哈利波特的事物。
An old man widower , unkempt hair , in bed , with head covered , sighing : an infirm dog , athos : aconite , resorted to by increasing doses of grains and scruples as a palliative of recrudescent neuralgia : the face in death of a septuagenarian suicide by poison 一个老鳏夫,头发蓬乱,戴着睡帽,躺在床上唉声叹气一只病狗,阿索斯作为发作性神经痛的镇痛剂,逐渐加量服用的附子一位七十岁上服毒自杀者的遗容。