| 1. | Dye - sensitised solar cells seek to mimic this assembly line 染料太阳能电池寻求模仿上述方式。 |
| 2. | When the immune system encounters an allergen , it may become sensitised 当免疫系统发现了过敏原就会致敏。 |
| 3. | That , he says , should be enough to make dye - sensitised cells competitive with silicon 他认为,这足以令染料敏化太阳能电池与硅电池一决高下。 |
| 4. | That , he says , should be enough to make dye - sensitised cells competitive with silicon 为此,他表示这样可使染料电池有足够的能力同硅电池竞争。 |
| 5. | Through its news bulletins , the south african broadcasting corporation has played a major awareness role in sensitising south africans about the deaf 南非广播公司通过它的新闻在向南非人民传播聋人节方面发挥了主要作用。 |
| 6. | This leaves children highly sensitised to the particular allergen , which can lead to asthma attacks when their immune system reacts to any subsequent exposure 这使得儿童对过敏原高度敏感,并使之在以后的每次暴露后诱发哮喘发作。 |
| 7. | 10 personnel working in areas where contamination is a hazard , e . g . clean areas or areas where highly active , toxic , infectious or sensitising materials are handled , should be given specific training 对于在污染危险区(例如:洁净区或其它从事高活性、毒性、污染性和致敏性物料的区域)工作的人员,应给予特殊的培训。 |
| 8. | When it becomes fully operational in early 2007 , the 187 , 000 sq ft plant set over 23 acres will be the first in the world to produce dye - sensitised solar cells ( dssc ) on a commercial scale 在2007年的早些时候投入生产后,这个占地187000平方英尺,折合23英亩的工厂将成为世界上第一家投入商业化生产染料敏化太阳能电池的公司。 |
| 9. | It may be a matter of bad timing , so that if a child is exposed to an allergen at the same time as a lower respiratory virus infection , then the child might become sensitised to that allergen instead of being tolerant of it 这可能是由于不良的时机造成的,也就是说如果小孩在得下呼吸道病毒感染的时候正好暴露于某一过敏原,那么他不但不会对其耐受,反而是产生了过敏。 |
| 10. | The objectives of the workshop were to : expose participants to new trends on interactive radio instruction ( iri ) ; acquaint them with new skills and knowledge on iri methodology , scripting and project cycle management ; inculcate basic skills to enable participants facilitate , monitor and evaluate the project . ; create a forum for interaction amongst the implementers of the project and front line workers to evolve best approaches to be adopted to move the iri project forward , and to enhance the knowledge , skills and competencies of participants to strengthen their capacity to mobilise and sensitise pastoralists to support the iri project initiative in schools 此次研讨会有几个目标:介绍有关互动式广播教学的新趋势;透过训练,让参与者熟悉该教学方法,教案的写作及评估管理;灌输有助于有效执行与评估教案的基本技能;在所有的参与者之间,包括执行该训练计画的人以及第一线的工作人员,创造一个能够互动对话的空间,以引导出让互动式广播教学得以顺利进行的最佳方式;以及,增加所有参与者的知识,技能与竞争力以强化他们动员牧民的能力,让互动式教学能在学校顺利展开。 |