Name your state ' s two u . s . sena - tors 问:说出你的州的两位联邦参议员。
Sena athugala was unusually busy in his grocery shop and restaurant , the blue elephant in braddon , canberra 在位于堪培拉的布莱登市里那个叫“蓝象”的餐馆兼杂货店里,瑟拉?阿萨加拉异乎寻常地忙碌着。
In addition to answering queries from customers concerned about his family back in sri lanka , sena was taking in clothes and other items donated by generous locals 除了要回答顾客们对他斯里兰卡老家亲人的关切和问讯外,他还忙着接收当地好心人捐助的衣物。