On the stage above bordenave was wild with the sceneshifters , who seemed never to have done changing scenes 在楼上的舞台上,博尔德纳夫正在对布景工人大发雷霆,他们还未把布景撤完。
Actors and supers and chorus made haste to get back to their dressing rooms while the sceneshifters rapidly changed the scenery 主要演员和群众演员仓促回到他们的化妆室里,置景工人们火速撤走布景。
A sceneshifter had even stopped fauchery s hat just when the devilish thing was going to bound onto the stage in the middle of the struggle 在扭打中,福什利那顶该死的帽子差点被扔到舞台上,幸亏被一个布景工人一把抓住。
In view of the sceneshifters exaggerated mirth , fauchery grew white . his lips trembled , and he was ready to flare up in anger while mignon , shamming good nature , was clapping him on the shoulder with such affectionate violence as nearly to pulverize him 福什利见布景工们捧腹大笑,气得脸色发白他的嘴唇颤抖着,他刚要翻脸时,米尼翁又装出一副好人的样子,亲热地拍着他的肩膀,差点把他拍成二截,他说道:
Some sceneshifters who came out smoking their pipes between the acts brushed rudely against them , but neither one nor the other ventured to complain . three big wenches with untidy hair and dirty gowns appeared on the doorstep . they were munching apples and spitting out the cores , but the two men bowed their heads and patiently braved their impudent looks and rough speeches , though they were hustled and , as it were , soiled by these trollops , who amused themselves by pushing each other down upon them 幕间休息时,一些置景工出来抽烟斗,把他俩撞了一下,谁也不敢吱声,三个披头散发身着脏裙子的高个子姑娘来到门口,啃着苹果,把果核随地乱吐他们耷拉着脑袋,忍受着她们放肆无礼的目光和粗俗不堪的话语的侮辱,他们被这些臭娘儿们溅污弄脏了衣服,她们故意挤到他们身上,推推搡搡,还觉得这样做挺有趣呢。
Where customers never seemed to enter . then there were two or three upholsterers , deep in dust , and a smoky , sleepy reading room and library , the shaded lamps in which cast a green and slumberous light all the evening through . there was never anyone in this corner save well - dressed , patient gentlemen , who prowled about the wreckage peculiar to a stage door , where drunken sceneshifters and ragged chorus girls congregate 这里是游艺剧院的走廊和圣马克走廊的交汇处,光线暗淡,店铺里黑洞洞的,有一家无顾客光顾的鞋店,几家家具上积满灰尘的家具店,还有一间烟雾腾腾的令人昏昏欲睡的阅览室,晚上,罩在灯罩里的灯发出绿色的光亮那里是演员醉酒的置景工人和衣衫褴褛的群众演员的进口处,只有衣著整耐心十足的先生们在那里游荡。