Say that you are a satanist and that you only listen to black metal 宣称你是撒旦主义者,你只听黑金属。
Many wiccans distinguish themselves from satanists , for example , in preferring complementary views of divinity to adversarial ones 许多巫术崇拜者把自己与邪魔歪道区分开,例如,宁愿拥有神性而不是魔性。
Some satanists consider jesus to have been the son or a follower of satan , or satan himself , but most do not hold any spiritual beliefs regarding jesus 一些撒旦教派信徒认为耶稣已经是一个撒旦的儿子,或者是撒旦的追随者,或者是撒旦本人,但大多数都对耶稣并不持有任何的精神信仰。