Now mr . santamaria is contemplating something worse : uprooting his entire holding of 30 hectares , within sight of france ' s mountainous southern border with spain 现在,桑塔马利亚心里盘算的是更糟的事:把这片与西班牙接壤的法国山区边界放眼所及的30公顷葡萄园,整个连根铲除。
Perpignan , france ? a few months ago isidore santamaria went out into his picturesque vineyard in southwestern france and ripped row upon row of neatly cultivated vines out of the ground 几个月前,伊斯多?桑塔马利亚走进他在法国西南部如画般的葡萄园,将种得整整齐齐的葡萄树,一排排从土? ? ? _ 。