Samkhya is widely regarded to be the oldest of the orthodox philosophical systems in hinduism 数论派是广泛地被认为是印度教最古老的传统哲学体系。
It also utilizes the brahman / atman terminology and concepts that are found in the upanishads , thus breaking from the samkhya school by adopting concepts of vedantic monism 奥义书上也利用婆罗门/阿特曼(灵魂)的术语和概念,从而通过采用吠陀的一元论而从数论学派中分裂出来。
The most significant difference from samkhya is that the yoga school not only incorporates the concept of ishvara ( a personal god ) into its metaphysical worldview , which the samkhya does not , but also upholds ishvara as the ideal upon which to meditate 从数论而来的最大差别就是瑜伽学派不仅把伊瓦拉(一个人格化的神)与它的形而上学世界合并在一起,而且还赞成伊瓦拉是一个冥想的概念,而数论则没有。