They carried on practicing many samhain rites at halloween , some of which still exist today 他们在万圣节继续沿用许多缩温节的仪式,有些仪式现在仍然存在。
One of these festivals was called samhain ( pronounced sha - von ) and it took place on october 31 through to november 1 其中一个节日被称作万圣节,从10月31日午夜开始,次日11月1日持续整整一天。
It falls exactly half of a year from november 1 , which is also associated with various northern european pagan and neopagan festivals such as samhain 这个节日是从11月1日算起,正好是半年;而11月1日也与北欧的异教和新异教的各种节日(如萨温节)有关。
Bonfires , a rural custom , hark back to the sacred bonfires of samhain ( sah - win ) , though today serve as a place to gather and warm up after an evening of roaming the streets 篝火,一个农村风俗,追溯到邵恩节神圣的篝火,虽然今天作为整夜漫游街道后聚集的地方。