It has the unsophisticated scent and feeling of natural wood . and its special and ruleless grain shows the wonderful charm of art , providing people a natural environment and artistic circumstance 具有木材的自然淳朴香味、质感强烈、特殊而无定律的天然纹理具有出神入化而又巧夺天工的艺术魅力,能给人带来回归自然的原始心动和美的艺术享受!
By the means of ruleless arrangement , unique arrangement or inerratic reiteration , suture can form various patterns , which trace primarily intends to oversew three layers of materials hard , and prevent movements of fillings such as spray - glue cotton , wool , plume and so on . on the other hand , the trace can impress the sense of three - dimension and make it panoplied 绗缝是利用缝线在物料上组合成无规则排列和独立的或者是有规则排列重复的各种图形的轨迹,这些图案不只是为了牢固地缝住三层物料,防止填充料移动,还可以增强缝制品的立体感,提高其装饰功能。
Experiments about the influence of aeration on the dynamic pressure on the original riverbed show , aeration will obviously increase the fluctuating pressure on the original riverbed . 3 . experiments about the influence of aeration on the dynamic pressure on the bottom of scour hole show , the influence of aeration on the dynamic pressure on the bottom of scour hole is ruleless 试验研究了掺气对冲坑底部脉动压强的影响,结果表明:无论冲坑深度为多大,坑底脉动压强均方根值沿程分布与不掺气时相比,没有确定性的规律,射流掺气后,冲坑底部的脉动压强有时增加,有时反而减小。