It was that dull kind of a regular sound that comes from oars working in rowlocks when it s a still night 这是每逢寂静的夜晚,船桨在桨架子上发出的那种有节奏的沉闷的声音。
If specified with rowlock , paglock , or tablock , the exclusive locks apply to the appropriate level of granularity 如果同时指定了rowlock , paglock或tablock ,则排他锁将应用于相应的粒度级别。
Lock hints rowlock , updlock , and xlock that acquire row - level locks may place locks on index keys rather than the actual data rows 获取行级别锁的锁提示rowlock 、 updlock和xlock ,则可能对索引键而不是实际的数据行采用锁。
Thermo protective aids , radar reflectors , rescue quoits , buoyant lines , dippers , sea anchors , oil cans , waterproof electric torches , paddles , oars , rowlocks , hatchets , brass hooks , lifeboat matches , life raft cradles , line throwing apparatus , hydrostatic release units , compasses , flares , and more . . 保温用具雷达反射器救生浮环浮索饮水罐海锚油箱水密电筒桨桨叉铜拖钩手斧抛绳枪烟火信号防风火柴筏架静水释放器磁罗径口哨