| 1. | Rikard persson : i ' m not very good at the economics 答:我没有非常好的经济头脑。 |
| 2. | Rikard persson : yes , i had some setbacks 答:是的,我遇到过一些挫折。 |
| 3. | Rikard persson : it depends on how much time you want to put in to mz 答:这取决于你在《足球经理在线》里花了多少时间。 |
| 4. | Rikard persson : not really . but i have bought one of the most expensive players in mz 答:没什么。但是我在《足球经理在线》里买了一个最昂贵的球员。 |
| 5. | Rikard persson : i like the fact that you can play against managers from all around the world , or just against your good friends 答:我喜欢的是这里,你可以和来自全世界的经理挑战,或者和你最好的朋友。 |
| 6. | Rikard persson : good for the young or with trainers , and not so good for the older ones and thouse with on trainer 答:青年球员和有教练训练的时候效果不错,年龄大的球员和那些没有教练的球员效果不是很好。 |
| 7. | Rikard persson : yes , it ' s the coach . but even the age on a player . a young player trains better than a old one 答:是的,就是教练。不过球员的年龄也是一个重要的因素。一个青年球员比其他年长球员训练起来的更快。 |
| 8. | Rikard persson : about 2 million in expences every week . i ' m not sure that my income are , but it ' s often more then that 答:大概每个礼拜的支出在200万左(瑞典克郎) 。我不清楚我每个礼拜的收入是多少,但是通常都比支出多。 |
| 9. | Rikard persson : i used to play for at least two - three hours a day ( with a modem ) , it ' s not really that much now , but mayby an hour a day 我曾经每天玩至少2 3个小时(用拨号) ,现在没有以前那么久,但是可能每天1小时。 |
| 10. | Rikard persson : i have very many games a day . from 5 to 15 i think . so it ' s always a new match playing then i log in on my game 答:我每天有很多场比赛。我猜大概有5 15场。所以当我登陆游戏的时候,永远都有一个新的比赛。 |