A small town on a peninsula in northwestern france , quiberon is the home of the quiberon quafflepunchers , a quidditch team known for flamboyant play that frequently wins the french league ( qa8 ) 基伯龙是法国西北部半岛上的一个小城,是基伯龙牧马鬼飞球队的所在地,那是一支以夸张的表现而闻名并经常获得法国联盟杯冠军的球队( 《神奇的魁地奇球》第八章) 。
A small town on a peninsula in northwestern france , quiberon is the home of the quiberon quafflepunchers , a quidditch team known for flamboyant play that frequently wins the french league ( qa8 ) 基伯龙是法国西北部一座建立于半岛上的城镇,是基伯龙牧马鬼飞球队的所在地,这支球队以夸张眩目的打法出名,经常获得法国联盟杯冠军( 《神奇的魁地奇球》第八章) 。