De compwi the above proving , we ffo tw thest hav the are logical struan and none of them hav inequaies , bo the m h between m is that the cabello " s idethod has the statisthal natur just as beli inequalities , the the htw " s edd is the noredshal one . twly the incompatibitw of quantal theory and lotal hidden variable theory has ben proved the rnore - - state , le 在haray定理逻辑结构的基础上用更简洁的方式证明定域隐变量理论不可能重现量子力学的结果,对比表明这两种逻辑结构类似且都是不涉及不等式方法的根本不同之处在于:前者实质上与不等式形式的bell定理一样均为“统计性”的证明,而后者则是“非统计性”的方法。