This suggests that the paleo - ocean represented by qom , separating the south kunlun massif from north kunlun massif , might be a smaller ocean basin other than a bigger one 这说明昆北地块和昆南地块具有相当的亲缘性,分隔它们的其曼于特蛇绿岩所代表的洋盆不大。
Based on the 1 / 250000 mapping work of yutian and bolike sheets , an early paleozoic ophiolite melange has been found in western kunlun mountain and named as qimanyuter ophiolite melange ( qom ) . this ophiolite melange is exposed along the north flank of kunlun mountains , from south of pulu - liushui village yutan county to south of nuer of ciler county 在本论文工作所依托的1 : 250000于田和伯力克两幅区域地质调查工作中,发现了一条早古生代的蛇绿混杂岩带,我们将其命名为其曼于特蛇绿混杂岩带。