I am beginning to feel just a little put-upon . 我开始感到有点受人利用了。
The aggressive and dangerous chin empire occupies the put - upon chao . . 魏赵为邻国,倘赵被攻破,魏自难保全,但魏. .
The aggressive and dangerous chin empire occupies the put - upon chao kingdom while the hero - filled wei empire is paralyzed by an indecisive ruler 魏赵为邻国,倘赵被攻破,魏自难保全,但魏王怕秦,按兵不动。
In a match where two sets of impossibly rich footballers were driven forward by such hatred , poor put - upon riley didn ' t have a chance 在一场双方那些异常有钱的球星们在强烈的憎恨驱使下踢球的比赛中,可怜而无辜的雷利是没有机会的。