- and i don ' t like it . - i don ' t like the put - downs -我不喜欢这样-我不喜欢被人鄙视
And i don ' t like it . - i don ' t like the put - downs 我不喜欢这样-我不喜欢被人鄙视
I ' ve had enough of your put - downs . you ' re not perfect 我受够了你的羞辱,你也好不到哪里去。
The volatile aries will upset your nervous nature , the conclusion being ill - fated and certainly not lasting . the ram just won ' t put up with your put - downs 处女白羊:不安分的白羊座让你大伤脑筋,勉强凑在一起是不能持久的。况且,羊儿也受不了你的奚落。
Aries : the volatile aries will upset your nervous nature , the conclusion being ill - fated and certainly not lasting . the ram just won ' t put up with your put - downs 处女白羊:不安分的白羊座让你大伤脑筋,勉强凑在一起是不能持久的。况且,羊儿也受不了你的奚落。
Virgo & aries : the volatile aries will upset your nervous nature , the conclusion being ill - fated and certainly not lasting . the ram just won ' t put up with your put - downs 处女白羊:不安分的白羊座让你大伤脑筋,勉强凑在一起是不能持久的。况且,羊儿也受不了你的奚落。
Nasty put - downs , singling out individuals for vicious criticism , sneering , treating people with contempt and lack of respect - fergie turned it into an art form 肮脏的奚落,单拎出某个人来恶意攻击,冷嘲热讽,以轻蔑和缺乏尊重的姿态对待别人弗格森把这简直变成了一种艺术。