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English translation for "put"

[ pʌt ] 
1.搁,放,安,摆;放进,加入,搀进 (to in)。 put milk to tea 加牛奶在茶里。 put a saddle on a horse 把鞍子放在马上。 put a man in gaol 把人关进牢里。
2. 使贴近,使接近,使靠近。 put a glass to one's lips 把杯子贴在嘴唇上。 put a cow to a bull 使母牛跟公牛交尾。
3.装,安。 put a handle to a knife 把刀把安装在刀上。
4.套(马拉车),拴(马)。 put a horse to a cart 把马套上车。
5.做成,整理成,使成(某种状态)。 put a room in order 收拾房间。 put to sleep 使入睡。 put to flight 打退,击溃。 put a man into a rage 使人发怒。 put to death 处死。 put names in alphabetical order 依字母次序排列名字。
6.使转向特定方向。 put a horse to a fence 使马跳过围栅。 put one's mind to [on] a problem 集中心思考虑问题。 put the rudder to port 搬外舵(把舵转向左舷)。
7.使从事。 put a boy out in service 把孩子送去做帮工。
8.应用,运用。 put one's skill to good use 善于运用技术。
9.委托,交给,托付。 put a child into his hands 把孩子托付给他。
10.写上,写下来;记录,记入,登记;盖(印),签(名)。 put something on paper 写到纸上,留下记录。
11.叙述,表明;说明,陈述;翻译。 The case was put cleverly. 事情陈述得很巧妙。 I don't know how to put it. 我不晓得怎样表述才好。 How shall I put it 我怎样说才好呢? put one's ideas into words 把思想用言语表现出来。 put it into Chinese 把它翻译成汉语。
12.提出(问题),加以(质问);建议,提议。 put a question to sb. 向某人提个问题。 put a thing before sb. 向某人建议,向某人说一件事。 put it to sb. 问某人,征求某人意见,要某人承认。
13.估计;算定;认为。 put one's income at £3,000 a year 估计某人收入为一年三千镑。
14.使负(责任、罪等);使蒙受(耻辱等);加以(责难等)。 put sb. to trial [shame] 使某人受考验[蒙耻]。 put sb. in the wrong 归咎于某人。
15.使受到(制止等)。 put a stop [an end, a period ] to 停止,制止。
16.抽(税);下(赌注)。 put a tax on gasoline 征收汽油税。 put three dollars on the favourite horse 在热门马上下三元赌注。
17.掷,投,丢;抛;捅出(武器),刺,戳;〔古语〕推,推进。 put the shot 【运】推铅球。 put a knife into it 把小刀戳进去。
18.为…配(曲等)。 put that famous poem to music 为那首名诗配曲。
19.使渡过(河等)。 put a boat across a river 使船渡河。
20.使(家畜)吃,限(人)吃 (to on upon)。
1.(船等)前进,驶向 (to for) (河水等)流入;流出。
3.出发;匆忙离开;〔美口〕逃走 (for out)。

3.【交易所】使按限价卖出 (opp. call)。


Related Translations:
putting:  n.投掷。n.【高尔夫球】打球入洞。
put upon:  adj.1.受虐待的。2.被愚弄的。
shot putting:  【运】(掷)铅球。
putting hole:  球洞。
put on:  〔美俚〕哄骗,假话。
put off:  1.辩解,遁辞,推诿。2.延期,拖延。
put down:  1.平定。2.贬低(的话)。3.(飞机的)降落。
put up:  adj.〔美俚〕预谋的,预先商定的 (a put job 阴谋,奸计)。
putting green:  离球洞三十码以内的地区。
Example Sentences:
1.What dress shall i put on for the party ?
2.He's going to put me through law school .
3.I put it in the cupboard or somewhere .
4.Put on your overcoat. the wind is thrilling .
5.I asked your father to put his name to a bill .
6.What construction do you put on his actions ?
7.The crate is marked " put down crefully " .
8.His offhand manner put my back up .
9.She has put herself in a false position .
10.I don't put much faith in mister thompson .
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