An analysis of defects shown from publishment of accounting information of our capital market 我国资本市场会计信息披露缺陷分析
With the publishment of national standard " safety assessment of buildings " ( gb 18208 . 2 - 2001 ) , the assessment becomes standardized 近几年来我国对地震现场建筑物安全鉴定工作给予了充分的重视,尤其国家标准《建筑物安全鉴定》 ( gb18208
Finally , given the application system of water wirelss publishment query system based on sms technology and describe the development process in detail 最后,给出了基于短消息技术的水利无线发布查询系统平台的开发实例,详细讲述了其开发过程。
This russian chemist is famous for his formulation of the periodic law and the publishment of the first periodic table , a classification of the elements in 1869 这位俄国化学家于1869年建立了元素中期分类法,并就此发表了世界上第一份元素周期表。
This dissertation are researched and discussed systematically here , and designs and realizes the system of publishment and analysis of city air quality based on webgis 基于此,论文工作对webgis的理论、技术与应用各方面的问题进行了系统的理论研究,并设计实现了基于webgis的全国重点城市空气质量发布系统。
As the reporters engaged in such case , we have explosed every detail on in , such as the search for the materials provided by the insiders , the adventure of making the interview , the confirmation of every information , the urgent completement of the report and the difficult publishment of the article 作为此次采访报道的记者,我们从当初得到线人的材料,到冒着风险去采访,一一核实情况,在赶夜把稿子成文后,却难以发表等等一系列的艰难与不易做了披露。
The second pionts out that the traffic can lead to the act - obligation . scholars inside makes differet explanations about the meaning of “ death caused by running away ” . this paper argues that actor may be intentional for the death , also may be negligent for it . from the theory of non - act crime and the principle of the applicability among crime and liability and publishment , the meaning of “ death caused by running away ” should be divided into two parts , one belonging to non - act crime , the other belonging to aggrivated crime of traffic . on this base , it re - explain the meaning and nature of “ running away ” in criminal code article 133 provision and explanation 撇开罪刑法定原则,以不作为犯罪的刑法理论并结合罪责刑相适应原则为出发点,来理解“因逃逸致人死亡”的含义,可以把他分解为两部分,一部分属于不作为的故意犯罪,一部分属于交通肇事罪的加重犯。对因逃逸致人重伤的情形应全部归于不作为伤害罪。在此前提下,本文对刑法第一百三十三条及《解释》中出现的逃逸行为的性质及刑事责任作了论述。
In the following chapters , the interoperable model of webgis , multi - level b / s architecture , multi - thread for network computing and concurrent access , dcom , intelligent agent , intelligent spatial search engine , information security are discussed in detail . with these key technologies , the system of publishment and analysis of city air quality based on webgis is designed and implemented 借鉴这些关键技术,在arcims的基础上,设计并实现了基于webgis的全国重点城市空气质量发布系统,将空气质量状况与空间数据结合起来,生动直观的反映了各主要城市的空气质量状况,方便了用户的查询,为环保事业作出应有的贡献。