Survey on prevalence of psychopathy in hualin street , liwan district , guangzhou 广州市荔湾区华林街精神病患病情况调查分析
This cat has seriously psychopathy , keep off unless you are a psychopathy specialist 本猫脑有贵恙,非精神病专科医师请勿靠近。
We don ' t accept people with psychopathy , infectious diseases and serious skin diseases 三、不接收精神病、传染性疾病及严重皮肤病患者入住。
The product is also used for hepatopathy anaemia , poisoning , sweeny , poliomyelitis , and psychopathy 伴有胆汁分泌减少的肝病、贫血、中毒、肌萎缩症、脊髓灰质炎后遗症、神经及精神病。
And if we look at a corporation as a legal person , that it may not be that difficult to actually draw the transition between psychopathy in the individual , to pshchopathy in a corporation 以及,如果我们把公司视为一个法人,那麽实际上可能很难去勾勒出,个体的精神病与公司的精神病,两者间的转变。
Nanjing brain hospital , jiangsu province , with another name nanjing medicine university affiliated brain hospital , is an influentail tertiary a - class psychopathy hospital with over 700 sickbeds , in which 70 sickbeds or so for neurosurgery 江苏省南京脑科医院,又名南京医科大学附属脑科医院,是国内有影响的三级甲等神经精神病专科医院,有病床700余张,其中,神经外科70多张床位。
May 26 , 2000 , the center invited famous experts and physicians xu jianping , tan qifu and zhou wenjing , etc . amd held the seminar on research program on " gamma knife therapy of obstinate psychopathy " and " application of gamma knife therapy 2000年5月26日,邀请许建平谭启富袁耿清周文静等国内著名专家医生,在南京召开了难治性精神病的伽玛刀治疗研究课题及举办了伽玛刀治疗运用专题讲座。
In recent years , breakthrough development have been made on the therapy of epilepsy , trigeminal ache , parkinson disease and psychopathy etc . by gamma knife . these achiviements draw attention of experts at home and abroad and gain approvals and high praise from the patients 近几年来,在伽玛刀治疗癫痫三叉神经痛帕金森氏病精神病等功能性疾病方面取得了突破性进展,其科研成果引起了国内外专家的关注,并受到了广大医生和患者的高度肯定和赞扬。