A single egg is released in the case of a cow and several eggs in proliferous animals such as hogs . 一头母牛一次只排出一个卵子,而象猪这样的多产动物则一次能排出好几个卵子。
In 1940s , he fought many times against street gangs which were proliferous at that time in beijing 姚先生一生恪守师训,以研究传播拳学为己任,数十年如一日鞠躬尽瘁。
Eastern zhanhua sag is one of the most complicated tectonism areas in jiyang depression , and it is also one of the most hydrocarbon proliferous areas in shengli oilfield 沾化凹陷东部是济阳坳陷构造变动最为复杂的地区之一,同时也是胜利油田油气资源最为丰富的地区之一。
Liver fiber is changed is to show the connective tissue inside liver is unusually proliferous , this hyperplasia reachs matrix part with collagen fiber , stretch fiber amino polysaccharide hyperplasia is given priority to , but with collagen fiber hyperplasia more outstanding 肝纤维化是指肝内结缔组织异常增生,此增生以胶原纤维、弹性纤维及基质成分氨基多糖增生为主,但以胶原纤维增生更为突出。
Corpus luteum element secretes inadequacy , opposite or estrogen is absolutely overmuch , hyperplasia of organization of the mammary gland in cycle of menstruation of as a result and instauration process occur disorder , make mammary gland conduit or gland bubble epithelial and proliferous , breast is in charge of dilate to become bursa state , form bump 黄体素分泌不足,雌激素相对或绝对过多,以致月经周期中乳腺组织增生和复旧过程发生紊乱,使乳腺导管或腺泡上皮增生,乳管扩张成囊状,形成肿块。