Faw car co ltd now produces mazda6 medium - sized sedans in jilin under a technical licensing deal with the japanese firm . faw s other plant on hainan island also holds licences to produce mazda s familier sedans and premacy multi - purpose vehicles . mazda will also manufacture cars at its newly - launched joint venture in eastern jiangsu province with ford and china s chang an motor corp 据江淮客车外经办沈先生介绍,这次出口车型,都是江淮客车公司自主开发并完全拥有自主知识产权的中型客车,包括7米罗莎车型, 8米公交客车以及8米座位车三种车型,其中整车50台出口到阿尔及利亚, 64台ckd件出口到越南。