English translation for "precast-prestressed"
- 预制预应力的
Related Translations:
precast: vt.,adj.【建筑】预制(的);预浇铸(的)。 precast reinforced concrete beams 预制钢筋混凝土梁。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | This paper mainly discussed one type of two - way superposed slab floor with prestress in one way . the lower layer of the superposed floor is precast - prestressed sandwich slab , and the upper layer is cast - in - situ concrete . reinforcements set in the precast slabs lapped with each other at the side of it 与传统的装配式预应力楼盖和现浇楼盖不同,它是将现代预应力技术和叠合结构体系相结合的一种新式楼盖形式,具有重量轻、抗裂性强、承载力高、整体性好以及保温、隔音等诸多优点。 | | 2. | The detail procedures of the loading test on the ultimate bearing capacity under different load cases and the author ' s first - hand experience during the tests are documented in the paper . based on the experimental performance , it has been verified that the superposed floor assembled by the precast - prestressed sandwich slab working under the design and the reliability of the lateral connecting character of the slab 在板侧缝内施加后张法无粘结预应力,在构造上利用板侧伸出的钢筋相互搭接实现横向传力,变单向受力为双向受力形成装配整体式楼盖结构,可明显改善楼盖结构的受力性能。 |
- Similar Words:
- "precast wall structure" English translation, "precast yard" English translation, "precast-boxed cofferdam" English translation, "precast-concrete sheet-pile" English translation, "precast-forging" English translation, "precast-segmental" English translation, "precast-slab-type construction" English translation, "precastartisticterrazzoflooring" English translation, "precastconcrete" English translation, "precasthollowconcreteblock" English translation